Other LCCs

My efforts aren’t the first attempt to turn LCC into a 65816 compiler. Let’s look at some other efforts.

Toshiyasu Morita

In 1993/1994, Toshiyasu Morita modified LCC 1.9. LCC was modified to generate intermediate DAG files. A separate program (dag2gs) generated macro-heavy ORCA/M code.

Fabrice France (LCC65)

Fabrice France modified LCC 1.9 to generate 6502 code, for use with the ORIC computer.

Fabrice France (LCC65802)

Fabrice France apparently also modifed LCC to generate 65802/65816 code. Sadly it was never released but the examples look promising.

Jolse Maginnis

As Part of Wings OS for the C64/SCPU.

We’re Back

There hasn’t been any activity in the past year or so but perhaps that will change. In the meantime:

I’m not sure the current state of lcc-816. I was making some changes to the assembler (macros and records) when I stopped working on it. I plan on getting the assembler back into a usable shape and putting it on GitHub, too.